The Vertical Files are located in the Genealogy section of the Pell City Library and are compiled newspaper articles, personal papers, and pictures about various places, people, and events.
Places: includes any file pertaining to a place. Examples include “Cornett Hotel” or “St. Clair Cities – Springville”
People: includes any file pertaining to Family Genealogy. Examples include “How to Start Genealogy” and “Martin Family”
Pictures: mainly from the Pell City area but some pictures from other areas of the County.
By Murder, Accident and Natural Causes by Joe Whitten. Special thanks to the author for allowing us to post a digital copy of his work.
Wedding Bells Funeral Knells by Joe Whitten. Special thanks to the author for allowing us to post a digital copy of his work.
Special thanks to Joe Whitten for allowing his following file on various articles on the History of St. Clair County to be shared on our website. History articles from St. Clair County Newspapers
If you need any help with Genealogy or the Vertical Files please contact us.
If you don’t see your business, church, or family in the Vertical Files, it means we don’t have a file on it! We would greatly appreciate any donations to add to our collections!
If you choose to donate, we will be more than happy to make copies so that you may keep your original.
General Articles
Alabama Power
Stewart/ Alabama Supreme Court Case